Type Definations
Basic Types
type NetworkType = "evm" | "sol" | "cosmos" | "tron";
type Asset = {
networkType?: NetworkType;
chainId: string;
address: string;
decimals: number;
symbol: string;
name?: string;
isNative?: boolean;
isPopular?: boolean;
image?: string;
blockchain: string;
lastPrice: number;
marketCap?: number;
type Chain = {
chainId: string;
symbol: string;
name: string;
networkType: NetworkType;
image: string;
isPopular?: boolean;
isEnabled: boolean;
explorer: {
token: string; // https://polygonscan.com/token/{tokenAddress}
txn: string; // https://polygonscan.com/tx/{txnHash}
address?: string; // https://polygonscan.com/address/{address}
rpcUrls: string[];
tokenCount: number;
enum FeeType {
NETWORK = "NETWORK", // gas fee
PROVIDER = "PROVIDER", // fee charged by the provider
BLOCKEND = "BLOCKEND", // fee charged by blockend
INTEGRATOR = "INTEGRATOR", // custom fee someone want to charge via blockend integration
enum FeeSource {
type Fee = {
type: FeeType;
token: Asset;
source: FeeSource;
amountInToken: string;
amountInUSD: number | string;
type ProviderDetails = {
name: string;
logoUrl: string;
type StepType = "approval" | "swap" | "bridge" | "sign" | "claim";
type TxnStatus = "not-started" | "in-progress" | "success" | "failed" | "cancelled";
Quote Request
type QuoteRequest = {
fromChainId: string; // chainId of the asset to swap from
fromAssetAddress: string; // address of the asset to swap from
toChainId: string; // chainId of the asset to swap to
toAssetAddress: string; // address of the asset to swap to
// send either inputAmountDisplay or inputAmount
inputAmountDisplay: string; // 3.2
inputAmount: string; // 3.2*10^18
userWalletAddress: string; // address of the user who will perform the swap
recipient?: string; // address of the recipient (in case recipient is different)
slippage: number; // in bps, 100bps = 1%
solanaOptions?: SolanaOptions;
evmOptions?: EvmOptions;
skipChecks?: boolean;
type QuoteResponse = {
quotes: Routes[];
export type Route = {
requestId?: string;
routeId: string;
from: Asset;
to: Asset;
steps: Steps[];
fee: Fee[];
provider: Providers;
providerDetails: ProviderDetails;
protocolsUsed: string[];
inputAmount: string; // 3.2*10^18
inputAmountDisplay: string; // 3.2
outputAmount: string; // 4.56*10^18
outputAmountDisplay: string; // 4.56
minOutputAmount: string; // 4.32*10^18
minOutputAmountDisplay?: string; // 4.32
slippage: number;
userWalletAddress: string;
recipient?: string;
createdAt: number; // time when quote is created
deadline: number; // deadline (in seconds) for quote to be used
estimatedTimeInSeconds: number;
tags?: string[];
type Steps = {
stepId: string;
stepType: StepType;
protocolsUsed: string[];
provider?: Providers;
from: Asset;
to: Asset;
txnHash?: string;
status?: TxnStatus;
inputAmount: string;
outputAmount: string;
fee: Fee[];
estimatedTimeInSeconds?: number;
Create a transaction
type CreateTxnRequest = {
routeId: string;
type CreateTxnResponse = {
routeId: string;
steps: Steps[];
Transaction Data
type NextTxnRequest = {
routeId: string;
stepId: string;
type NextTxnResponse = {
routeId: string;
stepId: string;
txnData: TxnData | null;
skipTxn?: boolean;
type TxnData = TxnMetaData & {
txnEvm?: TxnEvm;
txnSol?: TxnSol;
txnTron?: TxnTron;
txnCosmos?: TxnCosmos;
type TxnEvm = {
from: string | null;
to: string;
value?: string | null;
data?: string | null;
gasPrice?: string | null;
gasLimit?: string | null;
type TxnSol = {
data: string;
type TxnTron = {
raw_data?: any | null;
raw_data_dex?: string | null;
txID: string;
visible: boolean;
type TxnCosmos = {
data: string;
value: string;
gasLimit: string;
gasPrice: string;
maxFeePerGas: string;
type TxnMetaData = {
requestId: string;
routeId: string;
stepId: string;
networkType: NetworkType;
deadline?: number;
skipTxn?: boolean;
Check status of a transaction
type StatusCheckRequest = {
routeId: string;
stepId: string;
txnHash: string;
type StatusCheckResponse = {
routeId: string;
stepId: string;
status: TxnStatus;
srcTxnHash?: string;
srcTxnUrl?: string;
destTxnHash?: string;
destTxnUrl?: string;
points?: number;
Last updated