Integrating widget to your dapp or webiste is very easy. It takes a full 3 line of code to integrate and start using Blockend Widget, now that's a lot of work for a human dev.
1. Import Widget dependencies
In your react app, start by importing the Blockend Widget and its styles
import Blockend from "blockend";
import "blockend/dist/main.css";
You may encounter Server Error... ReferenceError: self is not defined in your Next JS app, this is because blockend requires web apis to work and the web apis are not available on the server side when next js renders a page, in order to avoid this you can start by importing the Blockend Widget like below
Unique identifier assigned to each integration partner. It is used to track and manage various integrations within our system.Error will be thrown if this field is empty.
This id will be added in the request header of api calls that is made by the widget.
And that is it, you have successfully integrated the Blockend Widget.
3. (optional) Customizing the Widget
As an optional step, you can also customize the look and feel of the widget. This can be done by passing a configuration object as prop when initializing the widget.
You can customize the theme of the widget by passing customTheme object in configuration.
const configuration = {
// containerStyle will override the styles written for the widget container, containerStyle accepts all the inline style properties.
background:"#000000", // changes the background color of the widget to black
border:"1px solid #fff", //adds border to the widget container
boxShadow:"1px 1px 7px 5px rgb(255,255,255,0.1)" // for adding desired shadow effect to the container.
theme:"light", // light or dark, if custom theme is applied then custom theme will override light/dark theme
customTheme: {
text: {
primary: "#808080", // primary color of the theme, this applies to headings, main text, svgs, etc..,
secondary: "rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.75)", //secondary color of the theme, this applies to secondary headings, network names, route info ,etc..,
placeholder: "#cccccc",// to update placeholder colors like input placeholder,date picker heading etc.,
success: "#49AD71", // view all routes Higher output color
error: "#FD5868", // error messages and lower output.
background: {
container: "#FFFFFF", // can be used to update the bg color of the widget container, input amount container and routes container.
secondary: "#E9E9E9", // can be used to update the table cell background on portfolio page.
card:"#FFFFFF", //can be used to update the card color of the widget
networkCard: "#F6F6F6", // used as background color for top main networks cards and transaction hash container in tokens section.
loaderbar: "#E9E9E9", // loader bar color accross the widget.
coin:"#E0E0E0", // used to update th default background color of the coin and chain icons.
rewards:"#eaeaeb33" // can be used to update the rewards section background color on history page
border: {
primary: "#E0E0E0",// primary border color of the widget, can be used to update the container border,border of coin and chain icons, cards border of the widget.
inputHighlight: "#9FC966", //inputHighlight is used to update the border color of search tokens input field on select chains page when there are more than 0 results.
fontFamily:'"micro 5 charted"', sans-serif, lato; // can be used to update the font family of the widget to match the parent site, add the fonts to your site and just pass the font name to the widget.
shadow: {
boxShadow: "1px 1px 7px 5px rgb(255,255,255,0.1)", // to add shadow effect to the container and cards.
Setting Default Chains and Tokens
Widget gives you the option to set default chains and tokens to be shown to the user. This can be done by passing defaultChains and defaultTokens in configuration when initializing the widget.
See list of supported chains and tokens below.
const configuration = {
defaultChains: {
from: { chainId: "10" }, // optimism
to: { chainId: "sol" }, // solana
defaultTokens: {
from: { tokenAddress: "0xeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" }, // eth on optimism
to: { tokenAddress: "EPjFWdd5AufqSSqeM2qN1xzybapC8G4wEGGkZwyTDt1v" }, // usdc on solana
Note: token address for native tokens is set to 0xeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Here is what a integration of widget on your frontend might look like: